Admin Commands .warn [player] [reason] [level] [comment]
.warninfo [player]
.removewarn [warn id]
reason = manner/unsportsmanship/rulebreaking
level = 1..3
[.promote] [player] Promotes a user by one rank in the hierarchy. If a player already has a rank higher that an ordinary [user], only the person who promoted him first time can promote him further.
[.demote] [player] Demotes a user in the hierarchy. Note that if his current patron does not have enough slots for the position one rank lower, the user will get demoted further. The players currently promoted by the specified user will be demoted too.
[.managers] [player] You can see who u promote to Manager.
[.vouchers] [player] You can see who u promote to Manager.
[.censors] [player] You can see who u promote to Censor.
[.leaders] [player] You can see who u promote to Leader.
[.report] [game] [winner] forces to close a specified game, wont fire if the game is already closed. Winner = sentinel/scourge
[.submit] [game] [team] forces result submission if the game is either active or result is draw
[.closegame] [game] forces to close a specified active game without any result(as draw).
[.voidgame] [game] forces to cancel any result of the specified game, closing it as draw. Restores experience precisely
[.modexclude] [game] [player] excludes a player from the specified game, make sure the game result is voided before applying to a submitted game, otherwise the player's rating will get adjusted incorrectly
[.ladderban] [player] [reason] temporary ladder account suspension
[.ladderunban] [player]
[.penaltyinfo] [player] to see all entries related to exclusion/penalties/bans/unbans of specified player
[.penalty] [player] [exp amount] [reason] subtracts the specified amount of experience from a player
[.refund] [player] [exp amount] [reason] opposite to penalty; gives the specified amount of experience to a player
[.changename] [old name] [new name] to change bnet account, transfers stats, games, everything
[.timeban] [player] [minutes] short-duration channel banishment, useful as punishment for flaming/bad manner
[.untimeban] [player] will unban the player.
[.verify] [player] Checks if player's record matches reality.
[.setaccount] [name] [experience] [wins] [losses] sets player's ladder record to specified numbers.
[.removetruant] [name] Removes penalties for the last truant of selected player.
[.vouch] [player] Vouches the player.
[.vouchinfo] [player] Gets the player's voucher.
[.vouchees] [player] Gets your person's vouchees number.
[.voucherinfo] [player] Gets some statistics on specified voucher.
[.unvouch] [player] Removes the player.You can unvouch your own vouchees, or vouchees of a person of lower rank.